Monday, December 13, 2010

India Travels 15 Jaipur

Hi All,

Our next stop was Jaipur. Sorry these are out of order so we will go backwards. Above I am at the main gate to the Amber Fort. A palace about 1/2 up this big hill. The fort at the top is closed. This fort/palace was built in 1592. The carved marble screens at the top would allow the ladies to watch the action in the courtyard. Oh, where is Christine ? As we came into Jaipur the evening before, she was progressively getting sicker and sicker - yes the Delhi Belly. She opted to stay in bed and close to the facilities that day - Good thing as she wasn't much bettter when I arrived back at the hotel in the mid-afternoon - sick myself. It was a good thing we had a suite with two restrooms. Needless to say - this was not what we wanted to happen , brought pills and took extra precautions with washing hands etc. but to no avail. The remainder of the trip was that ill feeling and keeping a facility close at hand. - You know the routine.

This is looking down at the water garden. With the palace way up here, and the water way down there , they used an ingenious method to raise the water up 5 levels - a conveyor belt with earthenware pots to a cistern then repeated the process at each level. Since water was so precious, they used it many times before it was discarded. For cooling, bathing, cleaning and then on to the gardens.
Me at the main gate again. Note the inlay work and frescos walls. You can see this alcove on the picture above.
This is outside the private meeting chambers of the ruler. The place is inlayed with semiprecious stones and of all things - mirrors. When candles were lit at night , the reflections were like stars in the sky. On the otherside of the chamber, workman are doing restoration and cleaning. You'd be amazed at how white it was compared to where I am standing which is darker with the dirt and dust of the ages.

Just call me Swami ! The guy on the left was palying a drum like instrument where he plucked at a wire which then beat the drum which is under his left leg. The snakes are de-fanged so no worries. I actually ended up "petting" one of the cobra's on the head- Brave wasn't I? - ( I mean to wear that ridiculous looking turban)

Our ride awaits. The elephant I rode up to the fort is on the left. Not all that comfortable, but then again - better than walking to the top. To protect them from abuse, each elephant is allowed 5 trips per day. After that all visitors make the hike.

The elephant procession about 1/2 way up. The water garden lake is to the right of this picture.

The entry courtyard. This picture was taken from elephant back. You can see the main palace gate, upper center, seen in the pictures above. The structure to the left is where the ruler would have his public audiences. To the right, unfortunately hidden behind the tree is a Hindu temple to the goddess Shiva. No pictures were allowed inside. (Yes I got the red dot applied on my forehead) You entered the upper palace area via the steps on the right and thru yet another gate.
A Hindu Temple in the valley below.
The weather this day was overcast and hazy hence the picture quality.

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