Hi All
Friday 10a June 19
Came into work today ( it's the weekend) as we are performing a physical inventory and I wanted to be here to "show the flag", get some work done and send out this blog.
Well it's been almost a week since Christine's departure and a long week at that. Hard to have her here and then gone and not to return for 7 months. Since she has left I've been putting in 10 - 11 hr's per day on average and I leave knowing there is mountains of work yet undone. Trying to turn the culture of free wheeling - buy anything you want with no consideration for what the person next to you is using - is exhausting. I'm finding triplication of equipment that does the same thing but from different manufacturers meaning the need to stock 3 different consumables used with the machine. It's a nightmare and a huge elephant to eat - so as I've told my boys and my staff, you eat an elephant (OK boys chime in...) One Bite At A Time ! Unfortunately Administration's eating habits want the elephant consumed and the plates cleaned up quicker than we can go so there is a lot of pressure (hence the physical inventory).
Enough of that.
The last week that Christine was here, we went to Dubai and the Grand Mosque for fun things. to do as well as me preparing some shrimp that would choke a horse in several types of dishes for Christine. The villa still needed attention and we picked up the grill and some lamb which turned out wonderfully. I had Brazilian beef steak on the grill a few days ago and yum - it was good. Found a grocery store close to the village just across the freeway and it has everything I need there so no need to go into Abu Dhabi unless I need a change of scenery. Got my haircut it was 10 weeks since the last and although I had fleeting thoughts of returning to the US with a ponytail, I just didn't want to bother with the hassle of the long hair. (or the hassle from Administration that was sure to come too).
This past week, we have been moving offices. Purchasing was located in another building separate from the warehouse - so we created room for them to come here, consolidated warehouse mgt. and I took over the 1st floor ( meaning second floor in US. - it's ground , 1st 2nd etc here where in the US it would be 1st meaning the ground floor 2nd etc) So I took over the 1st floor corner office with the windows ! The first windowed office I have ever had. !!!! - of course it's so damn hot and bright out you have to keep the shades drawn so as not to roast but hey , I'm pretty excited . - BUT it won't last. The new hospital plans call for Purchasing/ warehouse to be in the basement - again so there goes my window. but that won't be for another 4 years and who knows where I'll be then. The new Mafraq Hospital is 3.6 billion AED or 1 billion US. It has 4 towers 2 above ground floors connecting all towers and 2 subterranean floors for service departments and parking. If I can load the video of it I will. It's pretty impressive ( should be for 1B US)
Taking my car to the repair shop on Monday and they will have it for 3 days ( hopefully only 3 days) to repair/ replace the damage form the 23 hr ownership accident. ( which still frosts my butt!) I've arranged with Dr. Ali for a ride in morning and I'll use a hospital driver to get home in the evenings. No - no loaner car - another sore spot. Christine hooked up with Dr. Ali's wife( but didn't know it) when she was waiting to get her blood tests for her residence visa . They both had a good time chatting and comparing notes on the inefficiencies and outright racism they were experiencing from the Muslim staff in the lab. (if you weren't wearing the Abaya (Ah - Buy-Ah) ( the black gown and head covering) the staff would not call your number but would choose those dressed "appropriately" - that is until these two -Christine and Dr. Ali's wife started to complain - loudly ( believe me you have to or your screwed) for service and they were finally served. You hate to piss off the person who is about to stick your arm with a needle so it's a two edged sword on that one. ( Dr. Ali is from Pakistan - but they are not strict Muslims and they had lived in the US for many years) ( in fact you see alot of US trained doctors here)
Well I'm going to post some pic's and I should have Internet access by next weekend. I encourage you to get Skype - it's free and easy to set up - all you need is a camera and a microphone - and we can talk.
That's all for now.
Love Scott
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