Hi All
7:30 Wednesday Morning July 1,
Just wanted to get a post out to let you all know that I'm still here. Since Christine left, my days have been filled with work , work , work - then home , swim, eat a little, TV then bed. - repeat the next day. We also had a physical inventory the weekend after Christine left so I was here both days for that too so it was a long stretch.
I did get my car back from the repair shop and carefully drove home without incident. Drivers are crazy here- everyone is out for themselves - got to be first- I'm less than a man if I allow a person to merge into my lane ahead of me (speed limit is 75)- those lines on the road - oh just a suggestion - choose anywhere you want to drive go from far left speed lane to right lane - turn signals ? Oh I wondered what that little stick thingy did?
Speed lane - be very careful - your going 120 kph and here comes someone going 200 kph - they flash you with the lights - you try to move over (but there's that guy who won't let you move into his lane ahead of you so he speeds up) so here comes 200 kph and he gets right on your bumper and then passes you in the median lane.
Needless to say driving anywhere here is not for the faint of heart or the inattentive.
Then there are the pedestrians - on the highway - yes - just about anywhere you will see someone standing on the side of the 4 lane freeway waiting for their ride - yep taxi's or a van pool will suddenly pull off and pick up some guy - you look around and there is nothing - absolutely nothing - around for miles and here's this guy standing there. I have seen - and missed 2 guys crossing the freeway - 5 lanes in this area - during the evening going home traffic - they ventured out 2 lanes - stood on the suggestion lines - waited for an opening and then went the remainder of the way across (I hope) - this is with cars speeding past them in all lanes - I got past them and kept them in my rear view mirror until I couldn't see them any longer. This is a common occurrence - so not only do you have speed demon- you have the jaywalkers to watch out for.
I've invited a couple to come over for dinner on Friday eve. My first social event in the villa. They are from South Africa and she - Rheita - is a nurse here I've know from the hotel days. Her husband Sam came just after I moved out will meet him then. Plan on having lamb patties, salad and some type of potato dish. - beers and a swim are also on the agenda.
Guess I'll have to get the villa cleaned up - good motivation.
Haven't found a maid yet - next door neighbors and I are looking at how we can share one to do all 3 villas - and we have 2 others who could jump in too - so we may be able to keep her busy full time. - we shall see.
Well I've ranted and shared some news. Can you believe it's 1/2 way thru 2009 . I certainly can't .
One last shout out to Wes - our son - who will be 25 tomorrow and to Christine's father Jack who will be 80. ( I know how to get in good with the in laws - have their grandson on Opa's birthday) Love to all
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hi All,
Monday 10:30a June 22,2009
Like that old cowboy song, Back in the Saddle Again- I now have Internet at home. Spent almost 2 hours talking to Alex and Christine last night on Skype. It was wonderful to see and talk to Alex as it's been since early March (before I left) since the last time I laid eyes on him. He will be home for almost a month before returning to Annapolis where he will be part of the Cadre instructing the new Plebes during Plebe Summer (a 7 week indoctrination period their first summer universally hated by all midshipman before classes begin)
As you all know I was involved in a fender bender after 23 hours of owning my new car. Well it finally went into the shop this morning and I'm "supposed" to have it back in 3 days. I am hopeful but also realistic - time and schedules are a foreign concept here. We shall see.
Good news - Hanie passed his drivers test today - Since he has an Indian passport, he cannot just convert his license like an American can. He had to take classes then today was his driving test. He calls me and tells me the driving test goes like this - A minivan with 2 evaluators - one beside you and one behind you (to watch your eyes to be sure your checking your mirrors) and 15 other people taking the driving test all jammed into the minivan - most of course, who as Hanie called them, "smelly"- Hanie is jammed in the corner and with no A/C working - Ahh the perfume of sweaty humans endures the process - The process is the first guy drives for a few miles, they stop the van and out goes the driver -to the side of the road - new driver takes his place and off they go. It's up to you to get back to the Drivers License office. I'm not sure if that's a reflection on if you passed the test or not - but some poor schmuck got dropped on the freeway - See Ya ! Hanie was fortunate?? to be the last driver in the van and was dropped near the Grand Mosque so he was able to hail a cab. - He made it back to the License branch and got his new license after about an hour's wait. What an ordeal .
The villa is shaping up nicely and with the addition of some poster art, the walls are not so bare. I did discover something new - did you know that not all DVD players can play all DVD's ?
I didn't - I have a "made for America" player and had bought some DVD's locally - well I get this message - "Cannot play DVD from this location Code" - WHAT ? I go to the manual and sure enough - I had "made for area 2 or 4" DVD's and a "made for area 1" player. So off I go and buy a cheapo DVD player for AREA 2 or 4 and all's good. - You learn something new every day.
I also broke down and bought some Bose speakers for the stereo. Still haven't hooked them up yet as I need to get the shelves up that will hold them and then hook up the DVD player(s)(does video goes to one device and audio to another ?) satellite, TV to the amplifier so all sound goes thru the Bose. I need a teenager to come show me how to hook these all up - I used to be a semi-technophobe - but that was when we still had LP's and reel-to-reel. Now I'm trying to figure out how to connect my iPod and Laptop to the amplifier to hear the tunes contained therein. Any techie out there want to come and help me figure this out? On top of all this I now have 5 count them 5 different remotes - Yes Guys I have 5 remotes - That's right - betcha you have "remote envy" ! I don't care who you are , that's funny on several levels HAHAHA
That's all for now
Love Scott
Monday 10:30a June 22,2009
Like that old cowboy song, Back in the Saddle Again- I now have Internet at home. Spent almost 2 hours talking to Alex and Christine last night on Skype. It was wonderful to see and talk to Alex as it's been since early March (before I left) since the last time I laid eyes on him. He will be home for almost a month before returning to Annapolis where he will be part of the Cadre instructing the new Plebes during Plebe Summer (a 7 week indoctrination period their first summer universally hated by all midshipman before classes begin)
As you all know I was involved in a fender bender after 23 hours of owning my new car. Well it finally went into the shop this morning and I'm "supposed" to have it back in 3 days. I am hopeful but also realistic - time and schedules are a foreign concept here. We shall see.
Good news - Hanie passed his drivers test today - Since he has an Indian passport, he cannot just convert his license like an American can. He had to take classes then today was his driving test. He calls me and tells me the driving test goes like this - A minivan with 2 evaluators - one beside you and one behind you (to watch your eyes to be sure your checking your mirrors) and 15 other people taking the driving test all jammed into the minivan - most of course, who as Hanie called them, "smelly"- Hanie is jammed in the corner and with no A/C working - Ahh the perfume of sweaty humans endures the process - The process is the first guy drives for a few miles, they stop the van and out goes the driver -to the side of the road - new driver takes his place and off they go. It's up to you to get back to the Drivers License office. I'm not sure if that's a reflection on if you passed the test or not - but some poor schmuck got dropped on the freeway - See Ya ! Hanie was fortunate?? to be the last driver in the van and was dropped near the Grand Mosque so he was able to hail a cab. - He made it back to the License branch and got his new license after about an hour's wait. What an ordeal .
The villa is shaping up nicely and with the addition of some poster art, the walls are not so bare. I did discover something new - did you know that not all DVD players can play all DVD's ?
I didn't - I have a "made for America" player and had bought some DVD's locally - well I get this message - "Cannot play DVD from this location Code" - WHAT ? I go to the manual and sure enough - I had "made for area 2 or 4" DVD's and a "made for area 1" player. So off I go and buy a cheapo DVD player for AREA 2 or 4 and all's good. - You learn something new every day.
I also broke down and bought some Bose speakers for the stereo. Still haven't hooked them up yet as I need to get the shelves up that will hold them and then hook up the DVD player(s)(does video goes to one device and audio to another ?) satellite, TV to the amplifier so all sound goes thru the Bose. I need a teenager to come show me how to hook these all up - I used to be a semi-technophobe - but that was when we still had LP's and reel-to-reel. Now I'm trying to figure out how to connect my iPod and Laptop to the amplifier to hear the tunes contained therein. Any techie out there want to come and help me figure this out? On top of all this I now have 5 count them 5 different remotes - Yes Guys I have 5 remotes - That's right - betcha you have "remote envy" ! I don't care who you are , that's funny on several levels HAHAHA
That's all for now
Love Scott
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's all crystal.
The prayer clock - it will flash from this message( the six daily prayer names) to a time indicating what time of day prayers begin. In the middle are 2 dates, One the date we were there - June 11, 2009 and the Muslim calendar date June 18, 1430 - the date from which Mohammad did something.
Here we are in the Grand Mosque main prayer room with a Japanese Rear Admiral. His contingent of aides is behind the camera. We spoke to him for 15 minutes. He just arrived with his task force on his way to join the US Navy forces in patrolling the Gulf of Aden against Somali pirates. Of course we bragged on Alex and he was dutifully impressed. Cultures differences here are unique and celebrated. What a wonderful experience.
Lastly - look closely - the sign on left says Shoe Store in English and same on right in Arabic - you know Christine - She'll find a shoe store anywhere she goes - even the Grand Mosque !
Actually this is to store your shoes when you enter the mosque - must enter barefooted or with socks- as with all mosques -but you usually see a big pile of sandals outside the local mosques - how they find their way back to the rightful owner is a mystery to me.
Just note how HOT Christine is in the abaya Hubba- Hubba
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pictures and Stories
Hi All
Friday 10a June 19
Came into work today ( it's the weekend) as we are performing a physical inventory and I wanted to be here to "show the flag", get some work done and send out this blog.
Well it's been almost a week since Christine's departure and a long week at that. Hard to have her here and then gone and not to return for 7 months. Since she has left I've been putting in 10 - 11 hr's per day on average and I leave knowing there is mountains of work yet undone. Trying to turn the culture of free wheeling - buy anything you want with no consideration for what the person next to you is using - is exhausting. I'm finding triplication of equipment that does the same thing but from different manufacturers meaning the need to stock 3 different consumables used with the machine. It's a nightmare and a huge elephant to eat - so as I've told my boys and my staff, you eat an elephant (OK boys chime in...) One Bite At A Time ! Unfortunately Administration's eating habits want the elephant consumed and the plates cleaned up quicker than we can go so there is a lot of pressure (hence the physical inventory).
Enough of that.
The last week that Christine was here, we went to Dubai and the Grand Mosque for fun things. to do as well as me preparing some shrimp that would choke a horse in several types of dishes for Christine. The villa still needed attention and we picked up the grill and some lamb which turned out wonderfully. I had Brazilian beef steak on the grill a few days ago and yum - it was good. Found a grocery store close to the village just across the freeway and it has everything I need there so no need to go into Abu Dhabi unless I need a change of scenery. Got my haircut it was 10 weeks since the last and although I had fleeting thoughts of returning to the US with a ponytail, I just didn't want to bother with the hassle of the long hair. (or the hassle from Administration that was sure to come too).
This past week, we have been moving offices. Purchasing was located in another building separate from the warehouse - so we created room for them to come here, consolidated warehouse mgt. and I took over the 1st floor ( meaning second floor in US. - it's ground , 1st 2nd etc here where in the US it would be 1st meaning the ground floor 2nd etc) So I took over the 1st floor corner office with the windows ! The first windowed office I have ever had. !!!! - of course it's so damn hot and bright out you have to keep the shades drawn so as not to roast but hey , I'm pretty excited . - BUT it won't last. The new hospital plans call for Purchasing/ warehouse to be in the basement - again so there goes my window. but that won't be for another 4 years and who knows where I'll be then. The new Mafraq Hospital is 3.6 billion AED or 1 billion US. It has 4 towers 2 above ground floors connecting all towers and 2 subterranean floors for service departments and parking. If I can load the video of it I will. It's pretty impressive ( should be for 1B US)
Taking my car to the repair shop on Monday and they will have it for 3 days ( hopefully only 3 days) to repair/ replace the damage form the 23 hr ownership accident. ( which still frosts my butt!) I've arranged with Dr. Ali for a ride in morning and I'll use a hospital driver to get home in the evenings. No - no loaner car - another sore spot. Christine hooked up with Dr. Ali's wife( but didn't know it) when she was waiting to get her blood tests for her residence visa . They both had a good time chatting and comparing notes on the inefficiencies and outright racism they were experiencing from the Muslim staff in the lab. (if you weren't wearing the Abaya (Ah - Buy-Ah) ( the black gown and head covering) the staff would not call your number but would choose those dressed "appropriately" - that is until these two -Christine and Dr. Ali's wife started to complain - loudly ( believe me you have to or your screwed) for service and they were finally served. You hate to piss off the person who is about to stick your arm with a needle so it's a two edged sword on that one. ( Dr. Ali is from Pakistan - but they are not strict Muslims and they had lived in the US for many years) ( in fact you see alot of US trained doctors here)
Well I'm going to post some pic's and I should have Internet access by next weekend. I encourage you to get Skype - it's free and easy to set up - all you need is a camera and a microphone - and we can talk.
That's all for now.
Love Scott
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hi All, Sunday 14 June 7:30 a
Christine and I spent 3 wonderful weeks together but unfortunately we knew it had to come to an end. I escorted her up to the security check-in and had to part with her there. I made sure she made it thru safely and waved good bye to her as she went on her way to check in at the United desk. It was a long ride home.
Her plane left at 12:08a and is scheduled to arrive early in at Dulles at 6:o2a local time - just over a 14 hr. flight. She has a 3 hr lay over to collect bags, go thru customs and then get to her next flight to Pittsburgh at 8:55a.
Our last few days we explored - shopped some more and rounded out the needs list for the villa. We went to the Grand Mosque which was absolutely wonderful, went out to eat at a hotel called the Shangrila -a very nice place indeed. Swam at the club and generally relaxed together I bought a small gas grill and assembled it on Friday. That night we grilled lamb chops, grilled potatoes onions and garlic and a nice green salad. It was our last meal together in the villa as we ate out last night in Dubai at a Lebanese restaurant in the Dubai Mall .
We went outside and watched the fountains - same (but bigger) as the ones at the Bellagio before dinner - waited an hour in 90+ degrees for a 5 minute show. I'm told it goes longer - guess we missed that show BUT this is right next to the Burj Dubai - the tallest building in the world - and it is impressive. - think a hand full of straws, then push from the bottom and make the straws extend out the top falling in various heights to the wide base. It's still under construction but has been topped off so the final height is:
Tallest structure: 818 m (2,684 ft) (previously KVLY-TV mast - 628.8 m (2,063 ft))
Tallest freestanding structure: 818 m (2,684 ft) (previously CN Tower - 553.3 m (1,815 ft))
Building with most floors: 160 (previously Sears Tower)
I stole this info from Wikpedia - you can go there and see /read more.
I sent Christine home with a CD of selected pictures and I'm sure you will find them interesting. I will also post some here - when I get my Internet at home.
It's going to be a long 6 months until Alex comes in December and 7 until Christine returns in January. Feeling a bit low today.
Love to all
Christine and I spent 3 wonderful weeks together but unfortunately we knew it had to come to an end. I escorted her up to the security check-in and had to part with her there. I made sure she made it thru safely and waved good bye to her as she went on her way to check in at the United desk. It was a long ride home.
Her plane left at 12:08a and is scheduled to arrive early in at Dulles at 6:o2a local time - just over a 14 hr. flight. She has a 3 hr lay over to collect bags, go thru customs and then get to her next flight to Pittsburgh at 8:55a.
Our last few days we explored - shopped some more and rounded out the needs list for the villa. We went to the Grand Mosque which was absolutely wonderful, went out to eat at a hotel called the Shangrila -a very nice place indeed. Swam at the club and generally relaxed together I bought a small gas grill and assembled it on Friday. That night we grilled lamb chops, grilled potatoes onions and garlic and a nice green salad. It was our last meal together in the villa as we ate out last night in Dubai at a Lebanese restaurant in the Dubai Mall .
We went outside and watched the fountains - same (but bigger) as the ones at the Bellagio before dinner - waited an hour in 90+ degrees for a 5 minute show. I'm told it goes longer - guess we missed that show BUT this is right next to the Burj Dubai - the tallest building in the world - and it is impressive. - think a hand full of straws, then push from the bottom and make the straws extend out the top falling in various heights to the wide base. It's still under construction but has been topped off so the final height is:
Tallest structure: 818 m (2,684 ft) (previously KVLY-TV mast - 628.8 m (2,063 ft))
Tallest freestanding structure: 818 m (2,684 ft) (previously CN Tower - 553.3 m (1,815 ft))
Building with most floors: 160 (previously Sears Tower)
I stole this info from Wikpedia - you can go there and see /read more.
I sent Christine home with a CD of selected pictures and I'm sure you will find them interesting. I will also post some here - when I get my Internet at home.
It's going to be a long 6 months until Alex comes in December and 7 until Christine returns in January. Feeling a bit low today.
Love to all
Monday, June 8, 2009
Quick update
Hi All , Tuesday 9 June 8a
Christine here at Scott's office computer. Things are moving along nicely. We moved into the villa last Thursday. Scott has been going into the office and my time is spent getting the villa up and functioning. Spent 1 entire day waiting for deliveries of furniture and appliances and their installation. Ikea was great: they brought the living furniture of brown leather couch and recliner, coffee table and end tables. (yes, Scott finally got his recliner - but he had to move 7,000 miles away to get it) . We selected a good-sized dining table and 4 chairs also. The bedroom has a king sized bed and two night tables and that is it! Ikea's delivery guys took 2 hours to assemble all the furniture and I noted the problems (which have already been taken care of - good service) Then the appliance started to arrive: the cooker (stove) from one place, the washer/dryer from another and the fridge and microwave from still another. Meantime the TV arrives and then the showtime guys come to install the satellite - it was a zoo! The worst part was that it was difficult to communicate with many of them, as English is their second language or maybe third.... It made me realize how isolated Americans are with only 1 language the norm. All of this happened last Tuesday and on Wednesday I spend the day opening boxes and bags of all the things we had purchased in the previous week to set up housekeeping. Had to wash every kitchen item and all the kitchen cabinets, which took the entire day.
Scott here- had to take Christine over to the clinic to get her injections in her wrists for her carpel tunnel and after 1 1/2 hrs I went looking for her. Dr. had her in the room and was just finishing up. She got some meds, her injections, and went and got a bone density test and is now getting blood work. I have to run for a mandatory meeting and so I'm finishing up the blog. Christine returns to PA on Sunday - I miss her already.
Love to all
Scott and Christine
Christine here at Scott's office computer. Things are moving along nicely. We moved into the villa last Thursday. Scott has been going into the office and my time is spent getting the villa up and functioning. Spent 1 entire day waiting for deliveries of furniture and appliances and their installation. Ikea was great: they brought the living furniture of brown leather couch and recliner, coffee table and end tables. (yes, Scott finally got his recliner - but he had to move 7,000 miles away to get it) . We selected a good-sized dining table and 4 chairs also. The bedroom has a king sized bed and two night tables and that is it! Ikea's delivery guys took 2 hours to assemble all the furniture and I noted the problems (which have already been taken care of - good service) Then the appliance started to arrive: the cooker (stove) from one place, the washer/dryer from another and the fridge and microwave from still another. Meantime the TV arrives and then the showtime guys come to install the satellite - it was a zoo! The worst part was that it was difficult to communicate with many of them, as English is their second language or maybe third.... It made me realize how isolated Americans are with only 1 language the norm. All of this happened last Tuesday and on Wednesday I spend the day opening boxes and bags of all the things we had purchased in the previous week to set up housekeeping. Had to wash every kitchen item and all the kitchen cabinets, which took the entire day.
Scott here- had to take Christine over to the clinic to get her injections in her wrists for her carpel tunnel and after 1 1/2 hrs I went looking for her. Dr. had her in the room and was just finishing up. She got some meds, her injections, and went and got a bone density test and is now getting blood work. I have to run for a mandatory meeting and so I'm finishing up the blog. Christine returns to PA on Sunday - I miss her already.
Love to all
Scott and Christine
We are in - but more about that later.
Hi All Monday 12 noon 8 June
We are all moved in and Christine and I are picking up the few remaining items to round out the villa. It has been a whirlwind and late nights.
I've been meaning to post this for a while and here it is: It's a email I sent to a peer back in Indiana about what the working conditions are like so although I haven't told you much about the villa - here is some interesting info.
Hi Tom, challenges are many fold.
One to start out of the gate is the language barrier –Most all speak English however the understanding of what is spoken and heard is different – you can have a conversation back and forth and you think that all is OK – but when put into practice – it’s like you never talked. So you end outdoing a lot of follow up and checking the work.
Second thing is education levels – most of my team at least has a high school education – but again – what standards were the school adhering to? – I have a few that are “pharmacists” but when you go deeper , all that tile has is a certificate that says they can tell the difference between Advil and Aspirin. – Don’t get me wrong, they are intelligent but the way things are done here – lock step, repeat the process, anything new is really a hard concept for them to grasp.
Then I have porters – the lowest level of employee – literally a paid slave – and the pay – well it’s a notch above slave wages . The company that provides the porters ( a contract business ) hires in people from Nepal, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and pays for their trip here, puts them up in “camps” (yes the sign says -Labour Camps on the freeway) drives them to / from work and they put 8 of them in a 10’ x 10’ room. They get 1 meal a day provided and then they all chip in to have one of them cook an evening meal - rice veggies and small amount of meat . – If you think this is “bad” think of the conditions they came from –open sewers in front of the mud/tin hut – Slumdog places – well at least this is better and they are able to send money home. A REAL eye opener to the third world.
Another problem is I have 3 – non-networked systems for MMIS – and a paper system inter weaved throughout.
One for Warehouse, One for Purchasing and One for Accounts Payable - all data triple entered . Levels of approval here are a big thing too. Do this here then take it there to be stamped then return it here to then wait in a line there. I’m not kidding. (stamps are a big thing – I have my own stamp now – I must have some authority somewhere.)
Another problem is the Emeriti themselves – better know as a “Local” – all must work to get the subsidy – salary is low – but the subsidy is high – many make more than I do at a clerks level pay when you add the subsidy. – So the work ethic is low to nonexistent (not all but most) so you have a complete apathy to get things done.
Lastly as I eluded to before is the HUGE preponderance of red tape. I carry my papers with me where ever I go – Passport, visa, letter of no objection - Get this – your employer must provide a letter that states your salary , your hire date and that they do not object to your getting a car, a villa , a drivers license etc – ( remember they “own” people here and if they do not want you to drive – then you don’t get the letter hence – you can’t leave their employ , where you stay etc. ) You literally are an indentured slave ( the Porters, housekeepers etc)
But with all this , it’s a really interesting place, the people are friendly and for all the backwards ways , there is money to be made hand over fist.
So there you go a little insight into the ways of the UAE. More to follow.
Love Scott
We are all moved in and Christine and I are picking up the few remaining items to round out the villa. It has been a whirlwind and late nights.
I've been meaning to post this for a while and here it is: It's a email I sent to a peer back in Indiana about what the working conditions are like so although I haven't told you much about the villa - here is some interesting info.
Hi Tom, challenges are many fold.
One to start out of the gate is the language barrier –Most all speak English however the understanding of what is spoken and heard is different – you can have a conversation back and forth and you think that all is OK – but when put into practice – it’s like you never talked. So you end outdoing a lot of follow up and checking the work.
Second thing is education levels – most of my team at least has a high school education – but again – what standards were the school adhering to? – I have a few that are “pharmacists” but when you go deeper , all that tile has is a certificate that says they can tell the difference between Advil and Aspirin. – Don’t get me wrong, they are intelligent but the way things are done here – lock step, repeat the process, anything new is really a hard concept for them to grasp.
Then I have porters – the lowest level of employee – literally a paid slave – and the pay – well it’s a notch above slave wages . The company that provides the porters ( a contract business ) hires in people from Nepal, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and pays for their trip here, puts them up in “camps” (yes the sign says -Labour Camps on the freeway) drives them to / from work and they put 8 of them in a 10’ x 10’ room. They get 1 meal a day provided and then they all chip in to have one of them cook an evening meal - rice veggies and small amount of meat . – If you think this is “bad” think of the conditions they came from –open sewers in front of the mud/tin hut – Slumdog places – well at least this is better and they are able to send money home. A REAL eye opener to the third world.
Another problem is I have 3 – non-networked systems for MMIS – and a paper system inter weaved throughout.
One for Warehouse, One for Purchasing and One for Accounts Payable - all data triple entered . Levels of approval here are a big thing too. Do this here then take it there to be stamped then return it here to then wait in a line there. I’m not kidding. (stamps are a big thing – I have my own stamp now – I must have some authority somewhere.)
Another problem is the Emeriti themselves – better know as a “Local” – all must work to get the subsidy – salary is low – but the subsidy is high – many make more than I do at a clerks level pay when you add the subsidy. – So the work ethic is low to nonexistent (not all but most) so you have a complete apathy to get things done.
Lastly as I eluded to before is the HUGE preponderance of red tape. I carry my papers with me where ever I go – Passport, visa, letter of no objection - Get this – your employer must provide a letter that states your salary , your hire date and that they do not object to your getting a car, a villa , a drivers license etc – ( remember they “own” people here and if they do not want you to drive – then you don’t get the letter hence – you can’t leave their employ , where you stay etc. ) You literally are an indentured slave ( the Porters, housekeepers etc)
But with all this , it’s a really interesting place, the people are friendly and for all the backwards ways , there is money to be made hand over fist.
So there you go a little insight into the ways of the UAE. More to follow.
Love Scott
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
We are almost there - No Problem
Wed. 11:30p June 3
Hello to all of you following this crazy process of completely outfitting a house and living in a different country. Christine reporting again...
Monday Scott had a meeting in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi is a country and a city.... think NYC in NY state) They are working on group purchasing for all of the Abu Dhabi hospitals and Scott had to attend a meeting. I went with him and it was so interesting. We had a driver take us and we drove thru the desert and yes, we saw camels. However, the camels were in pens and I was amazed that they are all different colors of beige, brown, "camel" -- get it, camel? While Scott was at his meeting, I had the driver take me the the "town" - not much of a town, but there were stores and my shopping skills kicked in. I actually bargained ---- it went against all of my Ozzie feelings (just hate it when people do that at the store). I bought a few things and was close to being abducted by a local ---- not kidding: this sheik guy approaches me and asked if I was looking for my driver. He wanted to be my driver.... Yeah right - I get into his white Mercedes and I'm never seen again. Scott laughed over this story (will provide details if interested - but it was so typical of me and my experiences with men).
I spend all day Tuesday at the villa waiting for deliveries. IKEA was prompt and completed the living room, bedroom and dining area furniture in a timely manner. We ordered 4 major appliances from a large dept store - all promised to be delivered on Tues 02/06. What they don't tell you is that all 4 appliances come from 4 different places (this means 4 different deliveries and 4 delivery men who have very little English skills). Scott dropped me off at the empty villa at 7:30 AM and I never left the villa until 8:30 PM. I will spare you the details, except that when you tell me you are going to deliver an appliance today, I assume (my first problem) that you will be there before twilight..... Scott asked me to check out all of the deliveries and my Ozzie skills sure kicked in. Scott told the IKEA customer service guys today that he was okay with something I objected to but they are coming on next Sunday to replace my other two issues.
The master bedroom now has a bed and two nightstands and a silk rug. The living room has a blue, cream and brown rug, a brown leather couch (which I can completely stretch out on - checked it last night while waiting not-too-patiently for the last delivery of the "day") and a brown leather recliner. Yes, Scott finally got his recliner, but at least there aren't any leaping deer or big bass on it. We also got two goose neck lamps and a coffee table. The new big Sony HD television is in place and working (oh yeah, the satellite guys were there also on Tuesday. Scott snuck in the big TV while he sent me off to look for an iron (not a Rowenta in sight). In between the deliveries, I spent the day washing everything for the kitchen. The kitchen is large and has granite counters (as do all 4 of the bathrooms). Cleaned out all of the cabinets and as an aside: small coolers with flat tops make excellent step stools.
This morning Scott let me sleep in while he was off to the villa on his way to work. He took some things I packed up last night - although I was cranky, I was still able to pack.... He left at 6:00a and I woke up at 9:55a I told him I was exhausted from trying to communicate and feeling woefully inadequate. I went over to the big mall and bought more stuff for the villa and we made a run out there tonight. Found more kitchen things and couch pillows. Tonight we shopped for rugs - it is so much fun spending Mafraq's money. We got 3 rugs and more stuff like toaster, dustbuster (i.e. sandbuster), clock radio, and some food.... back to the villa to unload. While we were there a Mafraq doctor (from Germany) drove by and recognized Scott. He is looking to rent there as well. There is an orthopaedic surgeon and wife moving in just up the street; they are from Hungary and I ran up to see them yesterday while waiting for deliveries. Offered them a cool place to wait and working bathrooms until their villa is ready for deliveries. Scott's friend Hanie and his family are also planning on moving into their villa (just down the street) this weekend. Hanie is a financial guy - he went to school for BA and MBA in Florida, but because he has an Indian passport, he has to do driving tests. He will be able to get a ride into work with Scott. His wife will be thrilled to get out of here - can you imagine trying to keep a 1 y/o entertained in a hotel ---- Danger Will Robinson!
I will be out of commission after this blog - but Scott promises to keep it up. He has also promised to take off two days next week (before I leave) and we will do something "fun".
Love to all
Hello to all of you following this crazy process of completely outfitting a house and living in a different country. Christine reporting again...
Monday Scott had a meeting in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi is a country and a city.... think NYC in NY state) They are working on group purchasing for all of the Abu Dhabi hospitals and Scott had to attend a meeting. I went with him and it was so interesting. We had a driver take us and we drove thru the desert and yes, we saw camels. However, the camels were in pens and I was amazed that they are all different colors of beige, brown, "camel" -- get it, camel? While Scott was at his meeting, I had the driver take me the the "town" - not much of a town, but there were stores and my shopping skills kicked in. I actually bargained ---- it went against all of my Ozzie feelings (just hate it when people do that at the store). I bought a few things and was close to being abducted by a local ---- not kidding: this sheik guy approaches me and asked if I was looking for my driver. He wanted to be my driver.... Yeah right - I get into his white Mercedes and I'm never seen again. Scott laughed over this story (will provide details if interested - but it was so typical of me and my experiences with men).
I spend all day Tuesday at the villa waiting for deliveries. IKEA was prompt and completed the living room, bedroom and dining area furniture in a timely manner. We ordered 4 major appliances from a large dept store - all promised to be delivered on Tues 02/06. What they don't tell you is that all 4 appliances come from 4 different places (this means 4 different deliveries and 4 delivery men who have very little English skills). Scott dropped me off at the empty villa at 7:30 AM and I never left the villa until 8:30 PM. I will spare you the details, except that when you tell me you are going to deliver an appliance today, I assume (my first problem) that you will be there before twilight..... Scott asked me to check out all of the deliveries and my Ozzie skills sure kicked in. Scott told the IKEA customer service guys today that he was okay with something I objected to but they are coming on next Sunday to replace my other two issues.
The master bedroom now has a bed and two nightstands and a silk rug. The living room has a blue, cream and brown rug, a brown leather couch (which I can completely stretch out on - checked it last night while waiting not-too-patiently for the last delivery of the "day") and a brown leather recliner. Yes, Scott finally got his recliner, but at least there aren't any leaping deer or big bass on it. We also got two goose neck lamps and a coffee table. The new big Sony HD television is in place and working (oh yeah, the satellite guys were there also on Tuesday. Scott snuck in the big TV while he sent me off to look for an iron (not a Rowenta in sight). In between the deliveries, I spent the day washing everything for the kitchen. The kitchen is large and has granite counters (as do all 4 of the bathrooms). Cleaned out all of the cabinets and as an aside: small coolers with flat tops make excellent step stools.
This morning Scott let me sleep in while he was off to the villa on his way to work. He took some things I packed up last night - although I was cranky, I was still able to pack.... He left at 6:00a and I woke up at 9:55a I told him I was exhausted from trying to communicate and feeling woefully inadequate. I went over to the big mall and bought more stuff for the villa and we made a run out there tonight. Found more kitchen things and couch pillows. Tonight we shopped for rugs - it is so much fun spending Mafraq's money. We got 3 rugs and more stuff like toaster, dustbuster (i.e. sandbuster), clock radio, and some food.... back to the villa to unload. While we were there a Mafraq doctor (from Germany) drove by and recognized Scott. He is looking to rent there as well. There is an orthopaedic surgeon and wife moving in just up the street; they are from Hungary and I ran up to see them yesterday while waiting for deliveries. Offered them a cool place to wait and working bathrooms until their villa is ready for deliveries. Scott's friend Hanie and his family are also planning on moving into their villa (just down the street) this weekend. Hanie is a financial guy - he went to school for BA and MBA in Florida, but because he has an Indian passport, he has to do driving tests. He will be able to get a ride into work with Scott. His wife will be thrilled to get out of here - can you imagine trying to keep a 1 y/o entertained in a hotel ---- Danger Will Robinson!
I will be out of commission after this blog - but Scott promises to keep it up. He has also promised to take off two days next week (before I leave) and we will do something "fun".
Love to all
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